
What is Wifi?.

Wifi is a technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without being connected to a physical cable. It is a type of wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide network access. Wifi is often used in homes, schools, and businesses to provide internet access.

How Does Wifi Work?.

Wifi works by sending radio signals between devices. These signals are used to create a network that allows devices to communicate with each other. When a device connects to a wifi network, it is given an IP address that allows it to communicate with other devices on the network.

How Fast is Wifi?.

The speed of wifi depends on the type of network and the distance between devices. Most wifi networks have speeds of up to 150 Mbps. However, some networks can have speeds of up to 1 Gbps.

How Far Can Wifi Reach?.

Wifi can reach up to 300 feet in ideal conditions. However, the distance that wifi can reach will vary depending on the type of network and the environment.

What is Wifi Calling?.

Wifi Calling is a feature that allows devices to use wifi to make phone calls. This feature is available on many smartphones and allows users to make calls over a wifi network. Wifi Calling is often used when there is a poor signal or no signal at all.

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